Fast moving streams and rivers
Rushing water is the biggest danger of camping. Kids can be swept away. Don't allow children near water at any time without an adult. Watch for slippery rocks and other hazards if you do go near the water.
Drinking Water
Only drink water that you brought or that comes from the tap. Untreated lake and stream water can make you sick.

To prevent anyone from getting lost
Before the trip, have kids practice "Hug a Tree". If they ever get separated from adults, have them hug a tree and stay where they are until found. For more information click here
Campsite safety
Keep sharp knives, fuel, and fire out of reach of young children.
Wasps are attracted to food, both sugary foods and foods with meat in it. So keep a clean camp. Just like at home, if you get stung, watch for allergic reactions.
Bees are attracted to sugar, and bright colors similar to flowers. Bees are in no way as aggressive as wasps and can actually be quite relaxing to listen to when you hear them humming around a group of flowers.

Poison Oak
Know what it looks like so you can avoid it. If you touch some, wash right away with soap and water to try to get rid of the oils.
Rattlesnakes are the only harmfully venomous snakes in the Sierra
Rattlesnakes have a noisy rattle at the end of their tail that they will shake if they feel threatened, and they are the only venomous snakes in the Sierra Nevada. Know what they look like, and leave them alone. You will probably never see one! In case of a snake bite seek immediate medical attention.
Most animals are shy and run away from people. If you keep your camp clean of food, then animals will leave you alone. Bears or other big animals will probably never even be seen. Feel lucky if you see one!
Unanswered safety question? Email us: [email protected]