Not sure what to do when you go camping?
Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.
Below we have listed 10 fun outdoor activities to do when you and your family go camping.
1. Go fishing –
Either catch and prepare your fish for dinner or catch-and-release. Fishing can be a great way to spend the day near water while bonding with the people you're camping with.
2. Go for a hike –
There are plenty of hikes throughout the Sierra Nevada range, with varying levels of difficulty and seclusion.
3. Go swimming –
Plan to camp near a river or lake in the summertime, so you can cool down with a swim. If you bring goggles and a snorkel, you can see all the amazing river life, including fish, frogs, and tadpoles, and even friendly garter snakes swimming along the water surface.

4. Cook over the fire --
Hot dogs are classic camping food when cooking over a fire. You can make s'mores- these are tasty little sandwiches made with graham crackers, chocolate, and roasted marshmallows. If you're not trying to pack light, bring a kettle so you can boil water over the fire for tea or hot chocolate.
5. Tell stories –
Share real-life experiences, or create a story together by adding lines person by person around the campfire.
6. Play guitar –
Enjoy singing together, especially if you're a good distance away from other campers.
7. Play cards –
You can keep score with small sticks or pine needles.
8. Throw a frisbee –
Or pass a soccer ball or play catch.

9. Look at the stars –
Bring a constellation map and see if you can pick them out. Try to watch the sky until you see a shooting star!
10. Relax –
Camping is vacation after all – relax!