– Restoration work in the Trout Creek/Clavey River area – Volunteers will naturalize illegal off-road-vehicle trails and work to reduce erosion that is causing sediment to flush downslope into Trout Creek and the Clavey River.
– Crab Meadow fen, fence repair/rebuild – Volunteers will help to rebuild and repair the exclosure fence that protects a 2-acre sensitive wetland habitat from livestock damage.
– Long Valley, recreation restoration – In this beautiful high country destination, volunteers will work to reduce dispersed campsite impacts near creeks, block illegal off-road vehicle routes, and help to re-vegetate compacted soils.
– Mountain lady’s slipper orchid surveys – Volunteers will help the Forest Service find where this rare orchid species is re-establishing itself in the Rim Fire burn area by conducting field surveys to locate these rare plants.
Other kinds of upcoming projects this year will include trail maintenance, fence maintenance around restoration sites, invasive plant removal, trash cleanups, and much more.
If these projects sound interesting to you and you aren’t already on our volunteer list, call or email Julia to get added! We send out notices of upcoming projects periodically, but by signing up you are assured of learning about upcoming opportunities.
To sign up on CSERC’s volunteer list click the link:
or call (209) 586-7440