Yosemite National Park Prescribed Burns


Fire crews are working on prescribed burns in Yosemite Valley through the first week in November. Burns will be taking place south of Southside Drive near the El Capitan Crossover and between Southside Drive and the Four Mile trailhead. Therefore, the Valley Loop Trail will be closed from the Four Mile trailhead to the El Captain Crossover along Southside Drive for public safety. Traffic may go down to one lane along Southside Drive when crews are working along the roadway.

If weather conditions remain optimal for burning, additional areas may be treated in Yosemite Valley and Crane Flat. Burns in the Valley will be located between the Merced River and Northside Drive near the El Capitan picnic area and about halfway between Yosemite Lodge and El Capitan. In Crane Flat burning will be located along the intersection of Big Oak Flat Road and Tioga Road, south of the Crane Flat Look-out Road and Rockefeller Grove, and east of Tuolumne Grove of Giant Sequoias.

Visitors may experience lingering smoke in the following weeks.

Source: Sierra Sun Times

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