CSERC is the lead local organization working to protect the Northern Yosemite ecosystem. The Center’s staff attends Park hearings, submits detailed comments on projects, and performs fieldwork and research to monitor wildlife and wild places in the Park.
On average, over 4 million people visit Yosemite Park each year because of the spectacular scenery, diverse wildlife, and the many impressive waterfalls and rivers. But despite the unique and irreplaceable beauty of this world-renowned destination, Yosemite still faces many environmental threats.
How CSERC helps to protect Yosemite
Protection of at-risk wildlife
In past years, CSERC has collaborated with Yosemite Park biologists to survey rare wildlife species within the Park. Currently, CSERC’s wildlife photo-stations outside the Park provide additional knowledge about rare or elusive wildlife in less protected habitats.
Engaging in Yosemite Park projects & policies
At public meetings held by Yosemite officials to discuss proposed projects and policies, CSERC staff is often the only voice for the environmental community. By staying well-informed and actively monitoring what happens in the Park, CSERC helps to influence Park decisions.
You can also use your voice to help nature in Yosemite by attending periodic planning meetings and voicing your support for environmentally friendly project alternatives!

Watchdog monitoring in Yosemite park
Watchdog monitoring is essential to protect public lands, and Yosemite is no exception. CSERC visits Park destinations during both the quiet season and the busy summer period to identify areas with congestion, disturbance of wildlife, and other threats to nature in the Park.
In various planning processes, Park officials face the challenge of managing use in the Park so that high levels of tourism and commercialism don’t cause significant harm to the outstanding natural setting that makes the Park so iconic. Political and economic pressure to maximize visitor use is often directly at odds with the need for stressed resources to be restored or protected. CSERC is consistently at the forefront of those striving to sustain Yosemite in a healthy condition for now as well as for future generations.
If you want to help CSERC protect Yosemite Park, visit our How to Help page.