Nature Activities
Ideas for helping kids get in touch with nature and have fun
Most of us know that it's important for kids to spend time outdoors. Not only is it healthy for growing bodies and minds, but kids who spend time in nature have been shown to have a greater appreciation for the environment when they become adults. Here are some fun activities that can help kids learn more about the living things that inhabit it!
1. Backyard bird feeder
A great way to observe wildlife is to invite animals into your backyard. Having a bird feeder can encourage birds to visit your yard! One fun and easy way to make a bird feeder is to take a pine cone, dip it into peanut butter, and then cover it in birdseed. Attach a piece of sturdy string to the top and tie up the bird feeder in your yard to see what kinds of birds come to visit.

2. Plant a garden
Digging in the dirt can be fun. Teach kids a little bit about where food comes from by having them help plant vegetable seeds. When the plants are ready, have the kids harvest and eat some of what they helped grow. Some great things for kids to try growing are string beans, peas, lettuce, or carrots.
3. Worm Compost Bin
Most kids are fascinated with worms, so why not show them how worms help decompose vegetable scraps and other food into rich, fertile soil? Click HERE to learn how to create a worm compost bin. Once the compost is done, you can have kids help spread it out on the garden.

4. Soil Discovery
Another fun way for kids to learn about soil is to dig up some dirt, place it in a tray to learn what lives in soil. Common inhabitants include earthworms, beetles, grubs, spiders, mites, millipedes, potato bugs, and centipedes. Teach kids that many of these creatures are important for making healthy soil. There may also be other interesting things that make up the soil, like roots, rocks, and fungi.
5. Set up a tent outdoors
Whether you are camping in the forest or in your own backyard, kids often love to set up and play in a tent. Better yet, spend the night in the tent and have a campfire nearby (be sure to check regulations with your local fire department). Listen to the crickets, and look up at the sky.

6. Stargazing
The night sky is mysterious and can be inspiring to kids as well as adults. On a clear, dark night with no moon, lay down some towels or set up some reclining chairs outside. Have kids find constellations like the Big Dipper and pick out the North Star.
7. Go for a hike or nature walk
Many kids naturally love exploring, so take them out on hikes and walks outdoors. Be sure to point out anything interesting that you see along the way, such as birds, flowers, unusual rocks, squirrels, deer, pine cones, a sunset, or anything else interesting. If it seems right, you may also want to consider giving the kids a nature journal to record what they see.

8. Bark or leaf rubbings
Making bark or leaf rubbings is easy. To make the bark and leaf rubbings, place a sheet of paper over a tree trunk or over a leaf on a hard, flat surface and then rub a large crayon over the paper.
9. Count the rings on a tree
You can tell the age of a tree by counting the rings! To do this activity, find a stump or piece of wood that shows tree rings. Start in the center of the stump and count the rings to get an idea of how old the tree was when it died. Note how some tree rings are wider than others and discuss reasons that might be.

10. Visit a river or lake
When proper precautions are taken, there's nothing quite so exhilarating and fun as swimming outdoors in a river or lake. If you are up for it, you might also want to try fishing. It's usually very exciting for kids to see a living fish out of the water. A gentle "catch and release" is always an option as well. Kids under 16 years of age can fish for free in California.
11. Outdoor scavenger hunt
A scavenger hunt is a great way for kids to explore their natural surroundings. Click for a Ready-made scavenger hunt list! or use it as inspiration to create your own list. Be sure to remind kids to be careful and respect the natural environment while they play.

12. Make an insect trap
There is a fun way to build an insect trap that will allow kids to examine insects without harming them. Click HERE to learn how to set up a trap. Once the trap is set up, leave it overnight and check it the next day to see what fell in.
13. Play in the snow
Snow play is a great way to spend time in nature and is also a lot of fun! Build a snowman, go sledding, snowshoeing, or even give kids lessons in skiing or snowboarding. This is an especially good activity for winters when other activities, such as camping and swimming, aren't as accessible.

We hope you enjoyed learning about these nature activities for kids. If you'd like to learn about more ways to help kids get out and enjoy nature, the following links are great resources:
National Wildlife Federation - Activities
Sharing Nature Worldwide - Nature Activities
Kids Gardening - Helping young minds grow