Let’s join our forces
Help CSERC protect the environment by signing up as an activist. Together we defend water, wildlife, and wild places in the Northern Yosemite and the Central Sierra Nevada region.
Many of CSERC's key victories come when we get enough activists to write letters, make phone calls, or speak at public meetings about issues of concern. We need your pen, e-mail, or voice!

When do we need environmental activists?
CSERC reviews all local development proposals and projects on public lands, so we don't miss an opportunity to defend the environment - we never know when a project may occur.
Sign up to be an environmental activist.
If you sign up as an environmental activist, you will receive the latest update action alerts by e-mail. Then you can decide whether you have the time to speak out on projects that you have concerns about. There is no obligation once you sign up.
If you want to receive alerts for issues you may care about, then please contact CSERC's program director Stan Dodson at [email protected] and let him know you want to receive future activist alerts.