CSERC staff present slide show programs to schools and community groups in the central region of California. Since 1990, the Center has reached over 150,000 viewers with stimulating and informative programs that teach viewers about wildlife, water, and habitat values. These programs are adapted to fit the interests and the age levels of each group of participants.
Current school programs
Read below to learn more about some of the programs that we are currently offering.
Bald and Golden Eagles are featured in this review of eagles from around the world and how humans affect these impressive creatures.
Learn about the forest web of life, different kinds of habitats, and how human activities or demands can alter the forest ecosystem.

How to schedule one of our environmental presentations
Due to the pressure our staff's numerous commitments, it can be challenging to schedule programs any sooner than three weeks from the desired date. Accordingly, we encourage teachers, principals, or community group members to plan ahead when contacting the Center to ensure that you get a program on the date that works best for you.
All program times are adaptable to fit your needs. We can provide a single program for a community group or a full day's worth of programs for a school. Contact us by e-mail at [email protected] or phone us at: (209) 586-7440 if you have any questions.
Did you know that we have a KID'S SECTION on our website?
Click HERE to see our games and other nature activities for kids.