Introducing CSERC’s New Program Director, Sara Husby

I am a total city girl at heart, as I was born and raised in Chicago.  Growing up in the city, my outdoor experiences are very different than those who grew up surrounded by the beautiful landscapes that I now protect. The closest thing to mountains were the downtown skyscrapers. To see a cactus, I […]


CSERC’s latest Director’s Report explains that Yosemite Park is now being managed with a Day-Use Reservation system that aims to keep visitation to roughly 50% of normal in order to reduce crowding and the spread of COVID-19. What does that mean for you if you reserve your online day-use pass and want to choose where […]

Latest update: USFWS proposes to “list” the Sierra Nevada red fox

After years of scientific studies, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service in January formally proposed to list the Sierra Nevada “Distinct Population Segment” of the Sierra Nevada red fox (SNRF) as threatened or endangered.  For CSERC, that is very good news. Put most simply, the Sierra Nevada population of the rare fox is on the […]

Barred Owls Invade the Sierra Nevada

SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN Conservation:       60-Second Science Barred Owls Invade the Sierra Nevada (link here for article at Scientific American) By Christopher Intagliata on January 24, 2020   Christopher Intagliata reports: By listening to the sounds of the forest, biologists were able to identify an invasion of barred owls in spotted owl habitat. Full Transcript The barred […]

Will wolves return to the Northern Yosemite region?

It’s been roughly a century since wolves were intentionally exterminated in California after decades of being persecuted by hunting, trapping, and poisoning. Seen as a threat to livestock and to game species favored by hunters, wolves in California and across the rest of the nation were systematically killed. But in recent decades, federal management programs […]

CSERC’s Fall 2019 Newsletter

Click here to view CSERC’s Fall 2019 Newsletter. Learn about fens, Yosemite planning updates, a new development at Calaveras Big Trees, protections gained for the Pacific fisher, biomass treatments in the Rim Fire, and more!

New York Times: “E.P.A. to Limit Science Used to Write Public Health Rules”

By Lisa Friedman November 11, 2019 WASHINGTON — The Trump administration is preparing to significantly limit the scientific and medical research that the government can use to determine public health regulations, overriding protests from scientists and physicians who say the new rule would undermine the scientific underpinnings of government policymaking. A new draft of the Environmental Protection […]

Yosemite Park report on the challenges of Traffic Congestion and Housing

CSERC has long been involved in a diversity of issues that impact the environmental integrity of Yosemite National Park and surrounding public and private areas.  This includes transportation and housing for individuals who visit and work within that region. Yosemite Gateway Partners recently held a two-day conference to strategize and address these challenges with key […]

Ex-Forest Service Leader Opposes The Trump Administrations’s Proposed Weakening of NEPA policies For Forest Service Projects And Plans

           As CSERC has underscored in action alerts and in the comments we have submitted, the current Administration in Washington, DC is proposing to approve major weakening changes for national forest environmental policies. If the proposed changes are finalized by the current Administration, long-established policy requirements under the National Environmental Policy […]