prescribed fire

“Good Fire” could help control catastrophes

More ‘good fire’ could help California control future catastrophes Wildfire is inevitable. But prescribed burning—careful, intentionally set fire—could help manage the risks. BY ALEJANDRA BORUNDA PUBLISHED JULY 27, 2021   GEORGETOWN, CALIFORNIA Rob York walks calmly through the quiet pines deep in California’s Sierra Nevada foothills, trailing a mix of kerosene and gas from a […]

post prescribed fire

Lessons Learned in Montana Relevant To Our Region

This short video shows how prescribed fire is being strategically applied in conifer forests in Montana.  The lower elevation conifer forests there are very similar to the conditions of low and mid-elevation forests here in the Northern Yosemite region.  Carefully managed fire can be an important tool here, as well.  CHECK OUT THIS EXCELLENT VIDEO: […]

yosemite valley

Know Before You Go…… Info for Your Summer Trip to Yosemite

     As you probably know by now, a trip to Yosemite National Park is not the same as it was in 2019, or even 2020. Covid has changed the way the Park operates. It’s important to be up to date about when you can and can’t go, what facilities are and are not open, […]

Wildlife and Landscape Photo Winners Selected!

*Top 20 photos from the contest are linked at the bottom of this page.            After evaluating 220 photo entries, the staff of the Central Sierra Environmental Resource Center (CSERC) in Twain Harte selected winning photos in the Center’s 2021 Photo Contest.  Two adult award-winners were chosen in the Wildlife category […]

quail on fence

Nature Photo Contest Now Open for Entries!

     CSERC sponsors an annual photo contest to raise interest in wildlife and to encourage everyone to take notice of the beauty of nature in our region.  Cash prizes will be awarded in the Wildlife Photo category and in the Natural Landscape Photo category.      Between now and May 15th anyone may submit up […]

mountain wetland

State launches “30 X 30” plan to conserve natural values

     On October 7, 2020, Governor Gavin Newsom signed an executive order known as “30 by 30.” The order directs state agencies to deploy a number of strategies to store carbon in the state’s natural and working lands and remove it from the atmosphere. California was the first state in the nation to commit […]

bear eating fish

Raising Awareness in Youth

     For 30 years, CSERC staff has presented slide shows to schools and community groups across Central California – reaching over 155,000 participants. Those in-person programs (mostly for schools in the foothills and Central Valley) are now on hold due to the pandemic; but CSERC’s outreach to youth has soared over the past year […]