Camping in California? If a Bear Shows Up, Here’s What to Do

For campers in Northern California, especially the Lake Tahoe region, encountering a bear for the first time can be a rite of passage. But even if you’ve done your homework on bear encounters and patiently listen every time to the bear advisories given at the campground check-in, the first time a bear wanders into your […]

Rare Animal Reintroduced to Yosemite Meadow for the First Time

  A helicopter transported 118 Yosemite toads from the San Francisco Zoo, where they were raised, to the national park about 180 miles away, where they have settled into their new habitat and will hopefully become a self-sustaining population in the wild over the next 5 years.  To read the full article at SFGATE, click […]

Speeding Kills Bears

Yosemite National Park rangers are asking the public to slow down and drive with extra caution after several bears were reportedly killed after being hit by cars. To read the full article from, click here.

40 Cool Things to do Near Yosemite

“Every year, millions of people flock to Yosemite National Park. During peak season, one of the most beautiful places in the world also becomes one of the more crowded natural spaces, epecially in the compact Yosemite Valley.” To read the full blog from trekaroo, click here.

Four Reasons You Should Care About CA Snow

  The slow pace of snow at the start of this season worried water managers at first, but California has now exceeded 100% of the average for this time of the year. To read the full article from the Union of Concerned Scientists, click here.

The Newt Normal

  To those who know and admire it, the newt is many things: a marvel of longevity; a paragon of resiliency; a deadly vessel of poison; a model organism for regenerative medicine; a golden-eyed charmer of quiet charisma. Though newts share a flat, slithery body shape with lizards, they are amphibians (a type of salamander), […]

Ackerson Meadow Restoration Project

  CSERC staff has been monitoring Ackerson Meadow for decades, and we’re currently participating in a process to improve this project even more for wildlife, especially the western pond turtle. For an excellent update on the project from American Rivers, click here.

California’s Big Snow Year Decimated Endangered Sierra Nevada Bighorn Sheep

CSERC staff has been monitoring recovery efforts for the endangered Sierra Nevada bighorn sheep for more than 25 years. Significant achievements had been made, so it’s heartbreaking to share that half of the Sierra Nevada population tracked by scientists died during last season’s record-breaking winter. Some sheep got trapped in avalanches, some died of starvation, […]