
“Many species that produce catkins are wind-pollinated and there’s a tremendous advantage to flowering early because leaves block the movement of wind-borne pollen grains when they start emerging. Trees that produce insect-pollinated catkins also benefit from flowering before other plants bloom because they attract all the hungry pollinating insects.” To learn more about catkins at […]

CDFW Captures and Collars 12 Gray Wolves in Northern California

With wolf packs now established to the north and south of the Stanislaus Forest, it is likely they passed through our region undetected. But “there are now more satellite-collared wolves in California than ever before, which is expected to improve understanding and management of the species in the state.”  To read the full article at […]

‘Honestly terrifying’: Yosemite National Park is in chaos

Yosemite National Park is in trouble. Hamstrung by President Donald Trump’s hiring freeze, hundreds of rescinded job offers and the threat of coming layoffs, the park is poised to enter its busiest months of the year severely short-staffed… To read the full article at SFGATE, click here.

In major shift, Yosemite delays reservation system amid Trump administration review

For years the Park Service has pointed to traffic jams, crowding, congestion, and insufficient staff as reasons to design a Yosemite Park Visitor Access Plan to manage vehicles and visitors. But based on this article in the San Francisco Chronicle, National Park Service sources have now shared that any decision on the long-awaited Visitor Plan […]

Park service touts 2nd phase completion of $30M wetland restoration at Ackerson Meadow

  CSERC staff and volunteers spent two workdays at Ackerson Meadow in 2024 planting native vegetation and collecting seeds for future propagation. We were also involved with the long planning process that brought this project to fruition. It’s a wonderful meadow complex with rich cultural resources and extraordinary habitat for wildlife. To read the full […]

‘The lakes are alive again’: These frogs are back from near extinction

  CSERC staff has been surveying – and fighting for habitat protection – for the Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frog for many years. We’re pleased to share some needed good news. To read an informative article about the frog’s challenges and recent success in Yosemite from USA Today, click here.