Fall Foliage Lights Up the Sierra Nevada

      Fall is upon us, but it is not too late to get out and experience the beauty of the Central Sierra Nevada. Although New England is renowned for its fall colors, the Sierra Nevada mountains also put on quite a show. In the high country, the fluttering leaves of the aspens have […]

butterfly slider

The curious case of the mud-puddlers

Sit back, close your eyes and picture a butterfly. What did you see? Here’s an image… It’s a warm June day, the songbirds are singing, grass blades are blowing in a light breeze, and you see a beautiful butterfly land on a vibrant flower. Nice, right? When asked to picture a butterfly in their head most people […]

Greater Roadrunner

The Story of the Greater Roadrunner and the Ground Squirrel

CSERC puts on an annual wildlife photo contest to encourage people to observe and enjoy the natural world around them and to raise awareness about the great diversity of wildlife we are so fortunate to have in this region. Bird photos are among the most popular submissions, and while many of the photos are remarkable […]

Opening my eyes to the world of songbirds (featuring the black phoebe)

There is a pond in my neighbor’s backyard that Canyon (my 15-month old son) and I have been enjoying walking around for a few months, and as spring time kicks in the bird activity around this riparian refuge has really picked up. Just yesterday we saw several wood ducks, a nesting pair of geese, your […]

Conifer mortality beetle kill

Talking about trees – Forest health and tree mortality in the Sierra Nevada

In the Sierra Nevada especially, and throughout California, there has been a lot of talk lately about trees – between fire, drought, and bark beetle mortality, people are concerned about the health of Sierra Nevada forests. And they are right to be. Sierra Nevada forest health The forests of the Sierra look much different than […]


Birds of a Feather … Mysterious Mergansers

Merganser Mysteries Imagine you’re hiking up the river, and swimming against impossible currents, a bird resembling a duck with a mohawk heads upstream with a line of more ducklings than you can count! You’ve been lucky enough to come across a member of a group of waterfowl referred to as the mergansers. Mergansers are known […]

CSERC cameras document black bear mother & FOUR bear cubs!

Four bear cubs!! While black bear are one of the most frequent visitors to our cameras, this is the first time we have documented FOUR bear cubs! CSERC has been using wildlife cameras that are triggered by motion to survey for rare wildlife in Yosemite park and the Stanislaus forest for decades. On a few […]

Go Green In Your Yard This Spring

Check out the latest CSERC Blog before you start your spring yard work! You just may find something that will make your gardening woes a little easier to tackle this year!

Horned Lark

Rain showers and wild flowers!

The Sierra Nevada and foothills are getting another round of moisture, and El nino is making for a great wildflower season already this spring! Even the birds are taking advantage of the bloom! If you get the chance to get out when the sun emerges from the clouds, visit one of these three wildflower hotspots: […]