dense forest

Just What is a Resilient Forest, Anyway?

In the article linked below, Kat Kerlin from UC Davis explores the question of what makes a forest resilient. What does a “resilient” forest look like in California’s Sierra Nevada? A lot fewer trees! Current forest conditions from fire suppression have led to 6-7x more trees in our forests. And these trees are competing for […]

low water level in reservoir

Difficulties of Drought – Decrease Demand

     As the exceptionally dry summer continues, streams throughout the Stanislaus National Forest have been drying up or turning into widely scattered stagnant pools.This has made our CSERC staff reflect on how water scarcity in the current drought affects not just people, but also many wildlife species.       In June during non-drought years, […]

elk buck

Where the Passion for Nature Photography Comes From

     Our last photographer is Dan Souza. Dan is 74 years old and a lifelong resident of Stanislaus County.  Dan has provided many jaw dropping photos to CSERC for our photo contests.       “I have been pursuing photography as a serious hobby for close to 40 years but have devoted much more […]

spotted owl

Revealing the Secrets to a Spectacular Wildlife Photo (part 2)

     Wildlife photographers can often share rare and spectacular images of wildlife with us that touch our hearts and motivate us to want to make a positive impact on the natural world around us. Because they often grab our attention with stunning photos, our CSERC staff wanted to share some stories of why and […]


Revealing the Secrets to a Spectacular Wildlife Photo

     Wildlife photographers can often share rare and spectacular images of wildlife with us that touch our hearts and motivate us to want to make a positive impact on the natural world around us. Because they often grab our attention with stunning photos, our CSERC staff wanted to share some stories over the next […]

steller's jay

Steller’s Jay – Your Sierra Nevada Backyard Bird

     They are everywhere. Wherever your go in the Sierra Nevada, the odds are high that you have experienced a Steller’s Jay (Cyanocitta stelleri). These bold, inquisitive, intelligent, noisy, boisterous birds are distinctive with their jaunty charcoal black crests and iridescent blue feathers. They also have rounded wings, a long tail, and a straight, […]

graphic for reducing carbon footprint

Sustainability through MY Accountability

       Sometimes it can feel like we will make such a little difference in the big scheme of things. But every little thing we do can add up to make a big impact – positive or negative. Everything we do each day has a broader consequence on the earth than we could ever […]