quail on fence

Nature Photo Contest Now Open for Entries!

CSERC sponsors an annual photo contest to raise interest in wildlife and to encourage everyone to take notice of the beauty of nature in our region.  Cash prizes will be awarded in the Wildlife Photo category and in the Natural Landscape Photo category.   Between now and May 15th anyone may submit up to 10 photos […]

“Celebrate Winter” Photo Contest Now Open for Entries!

Our photo contest is aimed at raising appreciation for our native wildlife and scenic natural landscapes in wintertime.  Cash prizes will be awarded for the photos that best capture the awe-inspiring beauty of our region’s scenic natural landscapes and/or local native wildlife in winter. Between now and March 15th anyone may submit up to 10 […]

a large buck in the forest

The Buck by the Steps – Director’s Report

A small buck with antlers covered with velvet Because our three-acre property and our home outside of Twain Harte are at the edge of the national forest, we are fortunate to share our neighborhood with a wide diversity of wildlife species.  In recent weeks a game camera only 150’ from our front porch got photos […]

quail on fence

Nature Photo Contest Now Open for Entries!

CSERC sponsors an annual photo contest to raise interest in wildlife and to encourage everyone to take notice of the beauty of nature in our region.  Cash prizes will be awarded in the Wildlife Photo category and in the Natural Landscape Photo category.   Between now and May 15th anyone may submit up to 10 photos […]

lidar image

A Lidar’s-Eye View of How Forests Are Faring

In recent years, laser images gathered from Lidar instruments on planes flying above a forest landscape have enabled forest managers to gain amazing information about the forests down below. Called lidar for “Light Detection and Ranging” — lidar uses pulses of laser light that get measured by instruments and then results in incredibly accurate 3-D […]

painting of yosemite valley

The History of Fire in Yosemite Park

The Illilouette Creek Basin is a landscape shaped by fire as much as the Valley was by ice. This forest pocket surrounded by granite outcrops allows fire to be naturally contained without concern of spreading outside of the basin. In the 1800s, fires were viewed as damaging to the environment, so fire management turned to […]

pacific fisher

The Pacific Fisher – a rare furbearer species

   Many of CSERC’s wildlife camera efforts are set up with the goal to hopefully capture a photo of the rare Pacific fisher. The Pacific fisher is a carnivorous mammal in the weasel family with strong claws, powerful jaws, and agility that allows them to be extremely adept at chasing prey high in trees or […]

flying squirrel being handled

Big-eyed and Bushy-tailed

Most non-gliding tree squirrels are active during the day, and because many squirrels have adapted to city life, squirrels like the western gray squirrel are commonly seen by many people. However, nocturnal flying squirrels are rarely seen by people, even though they are common throughout many forests. Even when we are outside at night, the […]