Jeff and Lisa Rosendale

"Why We Give" ...a CSERC member profile


"Lisa and I are life-long garden and landscape plant propagators, growers and nursery owners in Santa Cruz County where we have been married and working together for nearly 40 years.

We first became aware of CSERC and John during the early days of the organization. We had been donating to FSEE (Forest Service Employees for Environmental Ethics) and through their newsletter we discovered CSERC.

Lisa’s grandfather and family built the Twain Harte cabin in the late 30’s. She has been coming up here all her life since the late 50’s and I used to fish and camp at Lyons Lake in the 60’s when it had a marina, boats and a campground.

Everything CSERC does has tremendous value and importance and is truly is a ‘local hero(es)’ to the utmost degree.

Planning and public hearing meetings, educational/classroom outreach, surface water quality monitoring, wildlife cameras, logging surveys, volunteer work crew projects, regular printed newsletters, annual year-end reports. The list goes on.

Pound for pound, CSERC has to be one of the most beneficial and accomplished environmental non-profits in all the country, if not the world. Twain Harte and the central Sierra’s are so lucky to be the place it calls home."