"Why We Give" ...a CSERC member profile

Clay’s background in natural resources has often been an asset to CSERC. He’s helped map roadless areas, done field monitoring, and reviewed lengthy, often tedious environmental documents. Tracy is a well known artist and has helped raise funds for CSERC by donating the proceeds of a painting. Continue reading to find out more about why Clay and Tracy support CSERC.

As an artist who focuses on painting wildlife and wild places from our local environment, I use CSERC as a resource to get information that I can then express through my artist’s view of the natural world. I used information and pictures from CSERC many times in the creation of the mural at the Library.
Now that I am leading educational programs at the library for school groups (through CSAC’s Arts Reach to School program), I get questions from kids like: “Why is the California Poppy orange?” I can find the answers through CSERC, and in this way CSERC helps me to teach children about nature. I believe that the only way to preserve the future of wild places is by supporting organizations like CSERC and by educating our children.
I think it’s important to donate to CSERC so that we can have assurance that wild places will be protected for people today as well as for future generations.