Before starting the game, check out the information below describing what a food chain is and how several food chains can make up a food web. Knowing a little bit about food chains and food webs may be helpful to you when you play the game. After that, you'll be given instructions on how to play the game.
What is a Food Chain?
All living things need food to survive. A food chain shows how each living thing gets food, and how nutrients and energy passes on from creature to creature, or from environment to creature. Below is a basic example of a food chain:

The Elements of a Food Chain
The Sun is usually the beginning of most food chains.
Producers, which are plants, produce their own food from sun, water, air (carbon dioxide), and soil.
Consumers, which are usually animals, consume other plants and animals.
An herbivore only eats plants.
A carnivore only eats meat.
An omnivore eats both plants and animals.
Decomposers, which include fungi, bacteria, and worms, eat decaying plants and animals, and decompose them back into soil. The soil can then be used by plants to grow.
What is a Food Web?
Many food chains make up a food web. Below is an example of a food web. See how many different food chains can make up a food web?

How to Play:
- Click on the “Next” button below.
- The food chain starts with a picture of something.
- Click on the picture of the thing you think comes next in the food chain.
- Click the “Next” button at the bottom of the page to see if you were right.
- When your food chain is complete, you can move on to a new food chain.

Now that you've learned more about food chains and how to play, it's time to begin the game. Good luck!