7 tips for camping successfully in the Central Sierra and Northern Yosemite region.
1. Leave Early
Make sure you have plenty of daylight to set up camp. Picking out your camp spot can be part of the fun, and the more time you have, the more exploring you can do to find that perfect spot.
2. Check in
Check-in with the camp host (if there is one) when you get to the campground. Find out where the bathrooms, garbage cans, and water are, and find out if there is any additional information to know before setting up camp and getting cozy. Becoming familiar with your surroundings can help you and your family feel more comfortable.

3. Set up your tent
Once you get to your campsite, it’s time to set up your tent. You might want to try setting up your tent at home first, so you already know how to put it together when you get to your campsite.
Think about where to put your tent – look for dry, flat ground. Don’t camp under any dead trees, and think about any other possible hazards.

4. Sleeping well
Don’t wake up with a sore back from sleeping on the ground! Be sure to bring a sleeping pad, a sleeping bag, and a pillow. Make sure your sleeping bag is appropriate for the temperatures you'll experience at night.

5. Cozy Campfire
Sitting around a warm campfire at night can be a lot of fun for the whole family! Check the fire regulations before choosing a camping location, and buy or collect firewood after you get there (moving firewood long distances can spread invasive species). Be sure to put out your fire thoroughly before going to sleep!

6. Cooking food
A camp stove is the easiest way to cook while camping. Some people also like to cook over the campfire. Just remember, keep your meals simple and easy on your first trip.
- One pot meals – plan meals that can be cooked together in one pot (spaghetti, chili, stew).
- Simple meals – the fewer ingredients you need, the less preparation and packaging (hot dogs, peanut butter sandwiches.

7. Keep your camp clean!
Remember, it's important to keep your campsite clean! Use the garbage cans at the campground to throw away your trash, or pack it out if there is no garbage service. No littering!
Store your food in sealed containers when you are not cooking or eating. Remember to bring extra containers like zip-locs to store leftover food.
Animals will take advantage of the opportunity to eat whatever food and garbage they can easily get to at your campsite. They can get sick or become "nuisance" animals if they eat too much human food. Keep wild animals wild – keep a clean camp!