Do you live, work, or play in the Northern Yosemite and Central Sierra region?
Do you care about the environment and threats facing the local places you love?
Then check out these news articles!
We try to keep readers up to date about current issues affecting many different aspects of the local environment, such as wildlife, wild places, meadows, forests, rivers and watersheds. You can also stay up to date on seasonal information like where the wildflowers are blooming, and where to go to see local wildlife or scenic vistas.
Whether you read an article from our newsletter, a director’s report or a blog, you will find local, timely news related to the beautiful environment here in the Central Sierra and northern Yosemite region.
Recent News
CSERC’s “Wild Wonders” Photo Contest is now open for entries! (contest rules here)
CSERC's Wild Wonders photo contest is aimed at raising appreciation for our native wildlife and scenic natural landscapes and to encourage everyone to take time …CSERC’s “Wild Wonders” Photo Contest is Now Open for Entries! (contest rules here)
CSERC's Wild Wonders photo contest is aimed at raising appreciation for our native wildlife and scenic natural landscapes and to encourage everyone to take time …Catkinology
"Many species that produce catkins are wind-pollinated and there's a tremendous advantage to flowering early because leaves block the movement of wind-borne pollen grains when …CDFW Captures and Collars 12 Gray Wolves in Northern California
With wolf packs now established to the north and south of the Stanislaus Forest, it is likely they passed through our region undetected. But "there …‘Honestly terrifying’: Yosemite National Park is in chaos
Yosemite National Park is in trouble. Hamstrung by President Donald Trump’s hiring freeze, hundreds of rescinded job offers and the threat of coming layoffs, the …
Don’t miss out on the latest news about environmental issues in the northern Yosemite and central Sierra: Sign up to receive our quarterly print newsletter by mail here ! The newsletters feature color photographs and articles covering local environmental issues and celebrating the beauty of the region.
Newest publication: Spring 2021
Or, go to our Newsletter Archives
Director's Report
Hear about some of latest issues from CSERC's director
Newest report: May 2021
Activist Alerts
Check to see if CSERC has any activist alerts and make your voice heard.
Volunteer Projects
Sign up to stay informed about CSERC's upcoming volunteer workdays in 2021
Archived articles outside of CSERC's website
- 1/15/14: Oldest trees are growing faster, storing more carbon as they age, study reports
- 12/27/13: Yosemite Fire debate over harvesting burned trees (San Francisco Chronicle)
- 7/6/11: Sierra Nevada Forest Imagery Interactive: Amazing aerial map showing the extent of clear-cuts throughout our region.
- 7/22/11: 'Suction Dredging is Bad for Fish' a blog by Dr. Peter Moyle.