Ravens, which are common to the Sierra Nevada, are among the smartest birds in the world.
They are fairly large birds, with a length of about 24 in. and a wingspan of about 53 in. Once confined to the foothills region of the southern Sierra, they are now widespread throughout most of the range.

What do ravens eat?
As scavengers, their diet is extremely varied. They catch frogs, toads, or other prey, they eat plants and berries, and also scavenge road kill, garbage, and other foods. They are also known to prey upon the young and eggs of other bird species.
How do ravens reproduce?
Ravens nest in many locations, from trees to telephone poles and buildings. They may have five to six green and brown spotted eggs at a time. Females incubate the eggs while the male brings her food on the nest for about 3 weeks. Both parents help raise the young, which are born altricial (meaning they need a lot of parental care) and without feathers. The babies need to stay in the nest until they fledge around 5 to 6 weeks after hatching.
Here is a link to a short video about the Common Raven: youtube.com/watch?v=RGU3bapbhf0